Thursday, December 17, 2009


I have committed myself to posting something on my etsy site every day for the next 30 days (with the exception of Dec 25 and Jan 1). This will be a challenge for me as I struggle with the photography aspect of posting handmade items. Although there have been great improvements in my photos, I am still not completely happy with them.

Anyway, I am challenging myself to post daily in the shop in an effort to establish a new habit. If I want a successful store, I have to be consistent. So here goes......

Monday, December 14, 2009


Well, this weekend was supposed to be a time for accomplishing a great number of things. Instead, I seem to have caught up on lost sleep. That is about the sum total of my weekend.

What was supposed to be two days of solitude, with a house to myself, wasn't! That is okay, I had a good weekend. I just did not accomplish much, which only adds to the pressure as Christmas looms. There is still so much to do and I haven't got the tree up and decorated yet. I didn't get the pictures taken for posting to Etsy. I had planned to complete some Christmas gift making. Didn't happen.

Am I the only one or does Christmas seem to get busier every year. Every year I try to start my Christmas preparations earlier and still end up behind. There is so much to do in the 11 days remaining. Lets hope I can get it all in!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

So, here we are two weeks from Christmas. The last few weeks have been a flurry of activity as I prepare for Christmas craft shows and gifts for my own family. A lot of crocheting and sewing has been happening in the Ritzy household. I will be posting some of the results of my crafting on etsy this weekend.

In the mean time, winter has hit with a vengence. The temperatures have been -30 C at night and not much better during the day. I have a hard time venturing out of the house each day. I would rather curl up with my crochet and hot chocolate!!

I have been experimenting with some wools lately. Used to crocheting with Acrylic, the chunky wool has been a delight to work with. Watch for some warm and cozies coming soon to my etsy store.

I am trying to narrow my interests a little. I am so ADHD when it comes to what I am working on. I have half finished projects all over the living room. I need to focus on just a few core things. I plan to spend the first month af the new year reevaluating my project rouster and planning for upcoming Spring Craft shows.

I find the month of December too hecktic for self-evaluation. There is all the added pressures of shopping, baking and preparing for family. I am happy to report that not a lot of money is being spent on extravigant gifts at the Ritzy household. Instead I am making gifts as I usually do. Instead of large sums of money, it is luxuriuos fabrics, chunky, warm wools, creativity and elbow grease!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Okay, so much for getting this off to a regular start.

I have spent the last week sick with the seasonal cold/flu. Didn't do much more than sleep, eat chicken soup and crochet a bit.

I have a craft show coming up in 6 days. Alot has to be done yet to get ready for it. I haven't hit panic mode....yet. Talk to me on Wednesday night, and I will most likely be there...panicing!! This is the craft show I have been at the longest and I will be showcasing some new stuff in the area of crochet.

Watch for new postings on my site at ealy next week to see my capelets and shrugs readdy for the cool weather!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day ONE!!

There is a first time for everything and today would be mine for blogging.

I have decided to start a blog to chronicle my adventures in crafting, creating and tradeshowing.

I find I have a difficult time focusing on just one type of craft or theme for my creations. I want to try it all. So when I do go to a trade show or craft sale, I tend to have no unity to my booth. So, as I prepare for "Christmas in November", a fundraiser craft show in my home town, I am seeking to unify my goodies ahead of time.

Certain things I make because I love then, they've been good to me and I want to share them (such as my lip balms and Buckwheat Hull pillows). These items have come about because I was seeking to better my own situation, heath wise.

Some things I make for the sheer fun of it, such as the jewelry. Others I make because they look good or I think they will sell at sales. I am still to new to this to know exactly what will sell, and I haven't decided who my "market" is. I am mostly creating to satisfy a need within myself.